LIVE VIDEO FEED as Ass'y Committee To Vote on SB 250 ("Pet Responsibility Act") re spay/neuter
This is almost too easy. Ass'y? Come on...that can't be the abbreviation for Assembly. I mean the government is full of them, but who knew they were so aware and accepting of being asses. Well, what do you know...It is! I just checked three different websites and all came up with the same conclusion. However, they didn't include the apostrophe...they just went straight Assy.
It reminds me of when I was in seventh grade Science class. Our teacher had a very specific set of titles for each of our divider tabs in our notebooks. I wasn't able to fit 'Assignments' on the tiny little divider tab, so being an extremely naive, but brainy twelve year old I simply put 'Ass'. Afterall, my relationship with the English language up to that point had always shown me that common abbreviations were the first three to four letters of the word. You know, Jul, Aug, Capt, min, etc. When I got to class the next day ready for the teacher to check my notebook, feeling pretty proud of my organization and penmanship abilities, a couple of my friends started giggling at my Ass tab. They explained that Ass was not the correct abbreviation for Assignments, but actually Assn was more appropriate. I quickly added an 'N' to my Ass, to cover it and not make the teacher think I was being a smart one. However in checking the correct abbreviation for Assignments it actually is acceptable to use Ass, so it could've been Ass's plain and simple, although I'm not sure the teacher would've appreciated this.
Update to the headline: the Ass'y approved the act. So, let's hear it for the Assy taking on some tough ass's.