Thursday, November 12, 2009

China logic

Well, I am in China...have been here since 11/4/09 and must say this is the busiest, most stressful trip I have ever had. There has been so much I have wanted to blog about, but between getting access to the site and being kept extrememly busy, it hasn't happened. I have been close to a couple break-downs and did, in fact, reach one a few days ago. Lots of cursing and even some tears, but was able to pull myself together after 10 minutes of ranting. It's amazing how such a short little outburst can really help you feel better. I'm not sure what it is about this trip - the fact that I really want to get home or the fact that everyday the line I am developing takes a severe turn or that I am not getting enough sleep every night becuase I am fighting off mosquitos, but even the little annoyances are ready to send me off the deep end...and believe me, they would not normally induce the response they are here:

*I have to use an outlet converter to blow dry my hair....pure logic would state - put the mirror near the outlet, however not so. Therefore, as I try to see just a quarter of my head that I am trying to style, the plug falls out. Try this about every 2 seconds of blow-drying. By day 3, I was on the verge of screaming. PS....there is another outlet closer to the mirror, but wouldn't you know, the tv is plugged into this one and that cord is stretched about all it can...DUH! move the tv to the other table that's closer to BOTH outlets.

*grown men who hit the back of my seat in the airplane, people who try to push in front of me in the ticket line, and people I politely ask if they speak english only to be swatted away like a 2nd class citizen - I think traveling in China turns me into somewhat of a BITCH - I give dirty looks, am not shy to tell people to stop and swat at them, push back (and harder), and try to fill my personal bubble with carry-ons. I feel like a wild animal, having been tempted to hit people as I know they can not understand me if I try to communicate with them. Maybe this is why animals attack...they are trying to tell their trainers to leave them alone for a bit.

*"My Friend"...if you don't know my name, I am not your friend. This is what every man on the Hong Kong streets says while trying to sell you a "nice watch". I don't even say no, or no, thank you anymore...just shake my head and put my hand up

*MOSQUITOS - I am up all night long....and not in the good way. :) I look like I'm performing some kind of African tribal dance with all my itching up and down my feet, legs, arms, and even face. I look like I'm going through puberty again with all these bites on my face. The repellent doesn't work, so I started sleeping with my blanket from home (I don't trust the cleanliness here) over my head and tucked all around me, which gets rather hot and difficult to sleep this way; and they still find a way to my sweet flesh. I find myself waking up several times a night flailing to try to kill at least one of them. The other night I had had it with them and was curious to see how many more hours I would need to endure was only 12:50am...I growled, sprayed a cloud of repellent, and turned the air conditioning down so that it was close to freezing (I figured I could freeze them out), then pulled the blanket up over my head. I feel like I am in some sort of torture camp. And what is it with them buzzing for that millisecond by your ear. That sound alone is ready to send me off a cliff.

Really, I've been able to laugh at all of this, for the most part. Even after the break-downs, however touching down on sweet American soil will bring such a smile to my face. Believe me, this trip calls for a much needed de-stress session filled with facial, massage, and quiet...