Tonight started off innocently. I had a last minute trip planned for Putien, China from Zhoung Shen, China. I was traveling by myself sans cell phone, which I think worried all the US higher ups. Shockingly I was not worried about any thing...I think because I knew that pre-cell phone era people traveled in many countries despite knowing the language. I knew one way or another I could figure things out. The pilots fly as they drive in China - pretty much in a bee-line. Not so apparent until landing. The wings cocked to the left, then the right before finally hitting the ground with such force I thought we would be ejected from our seats. Immediately the breaks hit, causing me to reach for the "oh shit handle" as in a Jeep; but was non-existent. After collecting my luggage, I was picked up from the airport by my Brazilian counterpart that lives here and immediately taken to dinner. I felt bad already that they had waited for the dinner (it is a big production here, which usually takes place about was 9pm) and I'm sure they were starving.
Dinner was can it not be when they make you feel like a celebrity. I thought all I had to do was play the part through dinner, then could go back to the hotel and go to sleep; however not so easy. This is a culture that loves to entertain and impress. I have had to learn how to accept it all, as if you do not they are offended. I was told we were going to a club. Apparently I am their personal go-go dancer...but whatever I have to do to get my samples. But of course, with a few exceptions.
Immediately upon arriving to the club they were trying to force me onto the stage. While some may think I like attention, I get very shy with public attention and need about 4 beers of coaxing. Eventually I got on the stage, really only because I felt bad for all the effort put in to make my time special. Shortly after I needed to use the restroom, so I went with one of the Chinese women. As I walked into the stall (non-western style, nonetheless - please look it up to get the full involves squatting), I was grabbed by the arm and pulled out by a man. I was taken aback at first, but immediately fell into a fit of giggles remembering where I was. Apparently in China if a man needs to use the restroom it is an URGENT matter and he is allowed to not only cut in front of a woman, but pull her out of a stall. I could not stop laughing. Granted, if I were at home or about 2 sheets to the wind, the outcome would not have been so pleasant for anyone. I would have probably yelled...quite possibly thrown a punch (as I do not like being manhandled by anyone)....and would've ended up having to explain myself by way of translator. It all just made me realize life is just one big joke...enjoy it because nothing is that serious.