Thursday, December 11, 2008

Blue Ball

I went bowling last night...haven't done that in a while.  I forgot how fun it is, you know, the whole process of it all.  Getting those sweet shoes, picking out your ball, setting up the computer with the perfect alias, etc.  I put a lot of time into picking my ball - I actually had ball-S - three to be exact.  I make it a big point to check the color of my balls, feel the weight of my balls, examine the surface of my balls, make sure my fingers don't stick in my balls; overall just throughly get in there and examine; as it could cost me my whole game.  I ended up with a turquoise one, neon yellow one, and a magenta one.  I really wanted the neon yellow to be my lucky ball, but it was not having me.  I ended up playing most of the game with the turquoise ball.  I mean it is a derivative of blue (my favorite color) would only make sense that the blue ball would be the one to want me.  We then ordered some beers, which is funny because as I drank more beer my game got much better.  I started out the first game closing at a nice round 53...yes, that's a five and a three.  Not a typo that I forgot the one.  By my last game I broke one hundred - that was a huge accomplishment for me.  I even got two strikes, but mostly lots of splits.  What can I say...I'm a girl that likes a challenge.  All in all a great night.  I think I'm going to look into joining a league - my nickname can be J - The Blue Ball Looper.  Off to make the shirts...

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