Thursday, January 15, 2009


It's been a while since I've last blogged.  Work's been crazy busy and my brain is pretty much fried - just like those commercials from the early 90's with the frying pan, fried egg, "this is your brain on drugs" slogan.  Is work a drug?...'cuz if so I should be in the hospital for OD-ing, followed by a stint at Rehab.  I'm thinking I can get all 12 steps figured out in about 30 days - sign me up!  

Anyway, I saw this sign yesterday on my way into work.  Note: photo has been altered only to make the sign more legible.  First have I never noticed this sign before?  Then, Ummm...What?!  I thought my eyes were deceiving me, like I said - my brain is fried.  What's so ironic about the sign is that when you are reading it you are clearly staring directly at the ocean.  If you continue straight you will hit the beach.  So why's the arrow pointing the other way?  Is that just a REALLY big lake back there? 

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