Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Heavy Brakers

Heavy Brakers make me a little agro...I mean just because you are on the 405 in morning traffic and you see a brake light 10 feet in front of you does not mean you gotta slam yours on.  Ease into it.  It is dangerous to all of us...but mostly you if I am behind you.  I am one of those girls that loves to maximize the sleep time, so I use my commute time for the make-up sesh.  (I know, I'm a great multi tasker).  PS...don't try and tell me it's dangerous...I already know.  I like to live on the edge.  I use the 405 as my personal dance floor...an hour commute has to have some sort of distraction.  I occasionally take it low, throw in a spin, and shake, shake it.  Anyway, when I am trying to throw some blush on and rock out at the same time and you slam on your brakes, I gotta do it too...and then we are just Brake Dancing...and not in the good way.  I have a confetti of make-up brushes throughout my car, I lose my beat, and I get all hot and flustered.  So....please peeps...learn how to effing drive in traffic!

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