Saturday, November 1, 2008

look what the cat dragged in....

I went out last nite with some of the factory owners and had a great dinner.  They wanted to follow it up with some time at the CD CLUB, which I thought was "seedy club"...sounded great, especially with it being Halloween.  I proceeded to dance on-stage, with the locals, and with the factory peeps, as I felt the club needed to get warmed up.  I had a great time, all the while knowing I had to get up at 5 am for a flight to Hong Kong.  About 1 am I decided to just pull an all-niter and go with it.  Well, I went with it...slept for about 45 minutes, got up and headed to the airport, which was an hour and a half ride in itself.  Upon arriving in Hong Kong 2 hours later and feeling greasy, exhausted, and irritable I had to take a one-hour shuttle ride to arrive at my hotel.  Finally, I could i thought.  God, I hate the easy route.  Of course, checking in was an adventure - my bank put a hold on my card (they have great fraud protection) and I thought I was going to have to wait it out until my co-workers got here.  But wait....I found a card that worked.  Phew!  That shower and bed were screaming for me.  I am seeing the light!...then room wouldn't be ready for an hour.  Are you kidding me?  I must have some bad karma that I haven't been handed in a while.  Off to eat, I suppose.  I sit at the local Starbuck's (I know...I was past the point of being adventurous, had to go with something I knew) and immediately a very persistent Chinese man begins talking to me.  What I thought to be a friendly conversation of are you...where are you from....quickly turned into "I want to take you to drinks tonite".  Excuse me...are you you see what I look like right now?  Well...he insisted upon giving me his number and reiterated at least 10 more times that I NEEDED to call him tonite.  I tried to explain that I am here for work and that I will be busy - so busy I will barely have time to sleep...uh, right.  I finished my lunch and being pleasant said good-bye, checked into my room, made them reassure me that they would NOT give out my room number to anyone, and finally made it; but then had to deal with the bank situation.  Finally, I can get to the shower and wash the day, nite, and everything else between China and Hong Kong off of me.  

Maybe I will call him later...might be interesting to hear about how he hacks his victims into tiny star shaped pieces before searing them and eating them.  

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