Friday, November 14, 2008

little baby mini

The Long Beach Museum of Art is a great place.  They used to have the sculpture of the yellow baby (to the left) large and in charge on Ocean Ave.  I remember seeing the large, awkward yellow baby with an abnormally massive protruding head on my way home from work every day, but learned to tune it out, as if it were another palm tree, not even noticing that it had been replaced.  I was at the museum last nite for an event and my friend happily noticed the baby was no longer present.  I will admit I enjoyed the landmark aspect of him, front and center for the museum luring people to venture in (after all, I hate to see great places go under due to lack of funding); however he was a little obtrusive.  Naked, day glow yellow, awkwardly bulbous, and staring.  Later that nite at another venue, I was talking to a friend telling her of the awesome event I attended earlier at the museum.  She instantly proclaimed "oh yeah, that big yellow baby has a tiny penis".  All the times I have seen this yellow baby on my drive home from work, I never thought to look at the penis, but realized she was absolutely right.  Since we were at a Drag Queen Show, I immediately thought of where the queens put their things; which of course led me to plastic surgery.  I wonder how plastic surgeons specializing in gender reassignment feel about constructing little, tiny, baby, mini penises all day.  How do you explain your job in detail to people?  Do they come home from work and while sitting at the dinner table say, "Honey, I had a doozy of a day.  The penis I was working on didn't quite meet the standard length to be a penis.  I had to get some duct tape and play MacGyver.  I hope s/he still enjoys the entrance to manhood."  Too many questions... I need to meet one.


Unknown said...

You are too funny... Love the blog keep it up if you don't, I will cut you..

Erica said...

Ahaha! That baby had tehe tiniest penis, proportionately speaking.... I mean, for a regular guy, he would've been proud!